Friday, September 17, 2010


Following some advice from a friend, I am moving this blog over to wordpress.

The new home for the blog is:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heartwarming Moment

Last night in the NQC exhibit hall, I witnessed one of the sweetest, most heart-touching moments I have ever seen in my life. A singer named Jerry Garcia took his little special needs daughter to meet Guy Penrod. Jerry and Guy talked for a moment, then Guy knelt down by the little girl and started singing softly to her. It was a very special moment and I feel blessed that I was there to witness it. It was a moment that I will not forget.

After seeing that, I made a point of stopping by Jerry's booth to speak with him. He and his wife have adopted several special needs children over the years. The Garcia's have so much love to give and they are definitely being used by the Lord in a very special way. They provide a loving home to children who might otherwise never receive the love and attention they deserve, and they travel the country sharing the gospel in song.

Folks like the Garcia's need our prayers, love, and support. They have a wonderful ministry and are truly blessed by God! I certainly feel blessed to have met them!

Another NQC, another start to the blog, and a news item

Thanks to some prodding by blogger Nate Stainbrook, I have decided to once again start my Southern Gospel Perspectives blog. I do not know how often I will be able to post but I will definitely try to keep up with this as often as possible.

Now, on to the news!

This came directly from a member of the NQC Board of Directors who wishes to remain anonymous. The Singing News Fan Awards will soon be returning to the National Quartet Convention. The decision to move the fan awards to Dollywood was made by one person who no longer has a say in the decision making process. The current powers-that-be for both the NQC and Singing News are working out the details for the awards show to return to the Quartet Convention.